New E-flat basses and cornets for Brassband Rijnmond
A long-cherished wish of E-flat bass players was recently fulfilled: new instruments. The E-flat basses that have been in use at Brassband Rijnmond for quite some time have been replaced by brand new ones from the Besson (Sovereign) brand. A number of cornets were also replaced by new Besson instruments.
The band, and especially the musicians who will play the new instruments, are very pleased and this gives them an extra incentive to perform at the best possible level.
Brassband Rijnmond is grateful for the subsidies received and would like to thank the sponsors mentioned below for their financial support. Without this support, this action would not have been possible!
- Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
- Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds
- Stichting Bevordering van Volkskracht
- Fonds Schiedam Vlaardingen e.o.
- Erasmusstichting